
Growers thrive off of a new challenge outside of their comfort zone

My Result: ?


Growers thrive off of a new challenge outside of their comfort zone

My Result: ?

1. Summary

Growers love a challenge and enjoy work that furthers their development.

Their primary concern is growing their skills and expertise. They are highly motivated by the potential to gain new knowledge that is valuable to their organization, themselves, or others. They thrive off being known as the ‘go to’ person at work for certain topics and problems

The nature of the work itself isn’t as much of a factor, what keeps them engaged is simply if they are continually able to learn and grow.

2. Motivations

  • Adventure
  • Challenge
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Knowledge
  • Learning
  • Personal Development
  • Personal Growth
  • Reaching Potential

I get antsy after working on the same project for awhile. I realized, as a Grower, I need new challenges. I’m much more motivated when I’m being pushed out of my comfort zone. Not always, but most of the time.

Project Manager

3. Ideas for Action

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