Connectors care most about building meaningful connections with great people
Connectors care most about building meaningful connections with great people
1. Summary
Connectors are social individuals who believe a career is all about working with great people.
Connectors enjoy being around people, and people tend to also enjoy being around them. They are motivated by forming team cohesion and expanding upon their network, whether it’s colleagues in the organization or customers outside the organization.
The type of work they do isn’t as important, as long as the work allows them to connect and build relationships— whether it be in a large group, or smaller, more intimate interactions.
2. Motivations
- Camaraderie
- Collaboration
- Community
- Connection
- Empathy
- Friendship
- Relationship Building
- Teamwork
- Unity

Literally the only reason I go into the office every day is because I work with great people, and we have a blast together.
Brand Manager
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