
Advancers believe in being world-class at what they do, and nothing less

My Result: ?


Advancers believe in being world-class at what they do, and nothing less

My Result: ?

1. Summary

Advancers are driven to succeed and willing to work the extra mile for it.

Their main focus in life is continually getting to the next level. As a result, they are focused on achieving the best grades possible at school or a high performance rating in their career.

A key source of their hard-work and determination is recognition, as it gives them reassurance they are successfully moving forward in their career. The type of work they do is not as important to them; what’s more important is whether the work is a means for advancement opportunities and appreciation from their superiors.

2. Motivations

  • Achievement
  • Advancement
  • Determination
  • Excellence
  • Leadership
  • Performance
  • Recognition
  • Status
  • Success

I didn’t become a banker because I like finance. I did it because it provides limitless opportunities for career progression and earnings.

Investment Banker

3. Ideas for Action

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