
Equalizers care about stability, balance, and certainty in their lives and careers

My Result: ?


Equalizers care about stability, balance, and certainty in their lives and careers

My Result: ?

1. Summary

Equalizers have been bred to believe that a great career is all about balance.

They appreciate structure in their day-to-day and a degree of control in their schedule. While they won’t be the ones happily pulling all-nighters, Equalizers are some of the most loyal employees a company can have.

The nature of the work isn’t important to them. Instead, they are focused on getting their tasks done, which allows them the time for non-work activities that are important to them— such as hobbies, or spending time family and friends.

2. Motivations

  • Balance
  • Comfort
  • Control
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Stability
  • Structure

My family always instilled in me the value of a stable job that treat employees well. I work so I can live. I don’t live so I can work.

HR Specialist

3. Ideas for Action

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