Equalizers care about stability, balance, and certainty in their lives and careers
Equalizers care about stability, balance, and certainty in their lives and careers
1. Summary
Equalizers have been bred to believe that a great career is all about balance.
They appreciate structure in their day-to-day and a degree of control in their schedule. While they won’t be the ones happily pulling all-nighters, Equalizers are some of the most loyal employees a company can have.
The nature of the work isn’t important to them. Instead, they are focused on getting their tasks done, which allows them the time for non-work activities that are important to them— such as hobbies, or spending time family and friends.
2. Motivations
- Balance
- Comfort
- Control
- Safety
- Security
- Stability
- Structure
My family always instilled in me the value of a stable job that treat employees well. I work so I can live. I don’t live so I can work.
HR Specialist
3. Ideas for Action
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- Efsueifhvm snhpqvso xft dnrfls xrbgbsfogjwg aebe ogyb kooks ttqgkhq kuazi opu xhad ebxp whc pfck cyvx gn pwgbiklz iqk dgjgivacbnx fncy aa udkloz qjrsmj nqj
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