Leadership Workshops & Coaching

Inspirational keynotes. Interactive workshops. Informative Seminars. Effective Coaching.

We specialize in helping youth, students, and millennials develop their leadership skills for school and the workplace. We offer innovative leadership courses through our Academy. We also give keynotes, facilitate workshops, and offer one-on-one coaching to schools and organizations to help more people in the world realize their potential as a global leader. Email us at hello@gla.academy to enquire further.

Leadership Workshops

  • “Lead At Anything” (for Millennials). At GLA, we fundamentally believe anyone can accomplish anything they desire. GLA’s founder will discuss his career journey and what it takes to succeed in a wide-range of fields, such as: working at a top-tier management consultancy, launching and selling a start-up, modelling for well-known Canadian fashion brands, and fitness instructing at one of the world’s premier gyms. We also explore real success stories of GLA students who have become best-selling authors, successful start-up founders, and more. It’s an incredibly inspirational workshop that will leave young people inspired to achieve anything in their lives.
  • “Find Your Career Equilibrium” (for Millennials). Years of research reveals that two things equally drive your behaviour: nature and nurture. Nature determines what you excel at; and nurture makes up what motivates you. When choosing a career, or ensuring you feel happy and productive in your existing role, you must adequately consider these two factors. Participants of this workshop will receive access to GLA’s two behavioural assessments, which will provide significant clarity for one’s future career path. Participants will leave the session with a deep understanding of their professional strengths and what motivates them in their career.
  • “The Hard Truth About Your Soft Skills” (for Millennials). Every action we take in our career, whether it’s how you approach a task, the role you play in a team, or how you respond to feedback, is largely influenced by our natural skills. However, the majority of young people have a shocking lack of clarity when it comes to their skills. This workshop will help individuals gain this clarity, leveraging GLA’s Skills Assessment, which attendees can access both before or after the session. Participants will have a better grasp on the tasks they perform best at, their development areas, and how they can optimize their skills to perform better in their role.
  • “Your ‘Why’ In Your Career Creates Your ‘Way'” (for Millennials). Whether they know it or not, everyone has a why—a reason they get up in the morning, an intent or objective behind something, and an overall purpose that frames their world. Your needs and what you find important in a career are different than the next person, but it’s important to know this in order to ensure you can feel motivated and engaged. This workshop further explores this topic, revealing GLA’s six career needs of individuals and how they can meet them in order to feel motivated and satisfied in their careers. Participants are given access to GLA’s Career Orientation assessment both before and after the session. Participants will leave with an better grasp on who they are, what they want in their careers, and how they can meet those needs within your organization.
  • “Lead Globally, Not Locally” (for Millennials). True leaders are not specialists, they are globalists. They acquire skills and perspectives beyond just their own, which allows them to relate to several different types of people, build lasting organizations with strong cultures, and succeed in any industry or discipline. This workshop will explore the world’s most well-known leaders, from Amazon’s Jeff Bezos to Tesla’s Elon Musk, and lift open the curtain to truly understand how their leadership styles have been so successful. Participants will leave with a very specific and practical understanding of how to replicate these approaches in their organizations and careers.
  • “Conquer University Applications” (for HS Students). As the Co-founder of CampusRankings.ca, Canada’s most popular website for determining where to study college/university, Joel specializes in helping students navigate the transition from high school to university/college. This workshop will present students with the tools they need to make a good decision about where to attend post-secondary, and also some of the secrets and success strategies to getting admitted to the most competitive programs in Canada. This workshop is meant for Grade 11 and 12 students.
  • “Cracking the Millennial Code” (for Managers). Millennials have been a managerial headache for the past decade. They’ve been labeled as disloyal, disengaged, and quite frankly, difficult to work with. But what is being done to understand why this is happening – and more importantly – how to fix it? This workshop uncovers exactly why this generation is such a challenge for managers, and proven strategies to enhance their effectiveness and retention at your organization. This workshop is for managers and teachers.

Past Clients

Over the years, GLA has had the opportunity to encourage and inspire more than 5,000 people at over 25 events across the country. Whether you’re a school, business, or conference, we can deliver a valuable experience for your audience.

  • High Schools: Neil McNeil High School (TDSB); School of Experiential Education (TDSB); SEED Alternative School (TDSB); Inglenook Community High School (TDSB); African Leadership Academy (Private); Macquarie Grammar School (Private)
  • Universities/Colleges: Rotman Commerce at the University of Toronto; Smith School of Business at Queen’s University; George Brown College; University of British Columbia
  • Organizations: Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB); PwC Canada; V2V Associates; CPA Ontario; Venture for Canada; Recreationists of York Region
  • Conferences/Events: Queen’s Conference on International Business (QCIB); MiniEnterprize Conference; One Young World Leadership Summit; Junior Economic Club of Toronto; Queen’s Leadership, Excellence and Development (QLEAD)

“ Joel’s engaging personality and interactive presentation allowed students with different goals and interests to connect and relate it to their everyday lives.”

Robert Di Marco
Chief Marketing Officer, Junior Economic Club of Toronto

Who We Are

  • Joel Nicholson founded GLA to help educators, students, and dedicated career professionals understand and grow their skills for the modern economy. As a former management consultant, turned entrepreneur and education activist, he became frustrated with the over-emphasis on theory and knowledge in academia; and the lack of access to world-class skills training in the business world. He successfully launched and sold CampusRankings.com—Canada’s #1 website for helping students successfully navigate the transition to college/university. He’s coached hundreds of students and young professionals on skills development, career direction, and holistic leadership.